Where to Get A Confidential Paternity DNA Test in India?

 Have you ever encountered a situation when you need a paternity DNA test? The thought of a paternity DNA test may make you feel overwhelmed, especially if you do not know anything about it. If this is the case, then here is some good news for you. 

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd has come to simplify paternity DNA testing for all. It is a government-approved DNA testing center that provides several DNA tests, including the most common one, i.e., paternity DNA test. They provide 100% accurate and authentic test results, and their services are easily accessible throughout India. 

Paternity DNA Test in India

However, the purpose of a paternity DNA test may vary from person to person. For example, some people may need it for peace of mind, while others may need it to show evidence in court. Whatever the purpose is, DNA Forensics Laboratory is efficient at conducting all sorts of paternity DNA tests, from a standard paternity test to a legal paternity test

Let us discuss all kinds of paternity DNA tests in brief that DNA Forensics Laboratory offers!

Standard Paternity DNA Test

A standard paternity DNA test is for peace of mind and to clear doubts about a particular paternity relationship.

The Motherless Paternity DNA Test

If the child's mother does not take part in the test for any reason, then a paternity DNA test is conducted after taking the consent of the child's guardian.

Legal Paternity DNA Test

DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd conducts the legal paternity DNA test to assist with child custody disputes, property disputes, and immigration purposes needed for visa application approval.

In the context of a legal paternity DNA test in India, the laboratory collects the sample in the courtroom or in the presence of a court representative. Once the sample is collected, and testing is done, the DNA Forensics Laboratory directly sends the test report to the court without any involvement of the parties. 

In every paternity DNA test report, the probability of paternity is 99.99% accurate. The exclusion is 100% where the alleged father is not the biological father, or the inclusion is 99.99% where the alleged father is the child's biological father.  


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