Ancestry Testing in India

 Ancestry Testing in India is DNA Testing done to unlock your family history. DNA Forensics Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. is one of the best private DNA testing companies in India, offering reliable and accurate services for Ancestry Testing in India.

There are four kinds of Ancestry Testing in India:

DNA Ancestral Origin Maternal Lineage Testing: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) passes down almost unchanged from mother to child through various generations. This test is based on mtDNA that is present outside the nucleus. The mtDNA comes only from your mother. The maternal linage testing uses this system of inheritance of mtDNA from a mother. The test examines the markers on mtDNA that can trace back to your ancestors roots from the past.

DNA Ancestral Origin Paternal Lineage Testing: This test is based on the DNA passed through generations from father to son. The test traces the male ancestry by examining the Y chromosome. DNA Forensics Laboratory examines the short tandem repeats (STRs), i.e., the special segments on the Y chromosome, to determine your (the person undergoing the test) Y haplogroup. The examination reveals the geographic origins of your ancestors. This test can only be taken by males, as the Y chromosome is only present in males.

Ancestry DNA Origins: Ancestry DNA Origins test helps you know about your roots and origins. This test is also called the DNA Starter Ancestry Test; this test is one of the best methods of Ancestry Testing in India using DNA. The test considers your ancestry's influence by your relatives, apart from those falling in direct paternal and maternal linage. The test studies the markers present on your 22 autosome pairs. 

GPS Origins Ancestry Test: The Geographic Population Structure (GPS) Origins Ancestry DNA test is a novel and advanced Ancestry Testing in India, and the world, that digs deeper into your family history. It can trace your ancestry to a particular location, i.e., city, town, or village. The test uses mouth swab samples. The test results are mostly accurate but depend on the relative origin location of both your parents. It is highly precise if both parents have origins from the same country. It can trace back your roots from a thousand years ago.
